
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Sting and the Burn

Sometimes the truth is a very painful thing to accept. It can totally cripple you mentally and emotionally. Sometimes two truths at one time are more than we can handle for the time being. The one thing that we have going for us is the ability to process the information and to eventually come to a point where we can begin to process and accept these truths no matter how much we dislike them or disagree with them.

I would like to take the time and the space here to apologize to my in laws. Not for WHAT was said, but for the timing.

Sometimes we act out of impulse and emotion. I am human and am guilty of that as well as others. I try to be careful no matter how emotional I am and not say things that I can not take back. I forget that this is a lesson I have been learning for many years and not all people are as cautious or even on that path at all.

The thing is, the family was all upset because I expressed my feeling publicly here in my blog rather than say it in private. My reason for this is two fold. The first and front most reason for it being said in my blog is that lies and secrets, shame and embarrassment is what caused this situation in the first place. There is nothing to be embarrassed about our ashamed of. If those are the feelings you have they are yours alone to deal with. The second reason that this was said in a blog is to bring awareness to others. If this is a situation that can happen in our family then I am sure that it is happening in many families all over the world. What I was trying to do is bring awareness to the pain that your words and actions cause. I want people to THINK before the have that knee jerk reaction that caused so much pain in my home.

Never did I doubt for a minute, nor did I intend to infer that my in laws do not love my husband. I think in their pain and confusion that was misunderstood. My point was simply that the response that was given caused more pain and more hurt than the secrets that had been kept for so long.

I know this is a very difficult thing to digest. I am not exactly having an easy time of it myself. It is not easy to accept that someone you love more than anything and someone you thought you knew, turned out to be someone you didn't really know at all. The important thing to remember now that we have all had a little bit of time to rethink our initial responses is that the person he is has not changed. He is still the same man. He is still the same son. He is still the same Daddy and he is still my best friend.

It is going to take plenty of time for the wounds to heal. His, theirs and mine. I hope that in time he can heal from the hurt and the pain and that they can love him completely without judgment or reservation. As far as I am concerned, the only thing that matters is that he has someone to support and stand by him. I support him and stand by him because I love him. That is all that mattered. I put my own pain on the back burner because I could see the terror in his eyes when he told me. This is not your common marital dispute. I honestly can not see any way that we will ever salvage our marriage. That thought alone devastates me but to be without him entirely is something I can not even begin to fathom. I had to set my own pain aside to help him get through this. I will deal with my pain separately. Right now the focus is on rebuilding and reinforcing our friendship so that we can raise our daughter together and give her the stability she needs.

This will be the last blog written on this topic so I will close with this:

There doesn't always have to be a bad guy. Sometimes there is no one to blame. By finding a target to place blame upon we are not accepting the truth as it is. By blaming others for our own insecurities we are failing to learn the very important lessons that are there for us to learn. This is not the first time that I have been made the bad guy or the target for situations simply because I say what I feel. Im sorry if I say things that you are uncomfortable with. I have a long history with being the bad guy. If that helps some of them to get through this then so be it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Words Carry Power

Yesterday I posted a very personal message. I think in the pain and confusion of the situation that it was extremely misunderstood.

First off, I am in no way judging anyone's religious belief. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own belief and opinion.
Secondly, I never stated in any way shape or form that my in laws do not love their son.
Third, it really does not matter to me the opinion you have of me.

The whole point of this was that my husband bared his soul and shared information he KNEW would hurt and upset his family, but it NEEDED to be shared.

If anyone thinks this has been easy for me, think again. My entire world has been destroyed. Everything as I knew it to be has changed. My marriage no longer remains the same, my future is completely uncertain, my day to day life is now filled with heart ache and sorrow. There is a grief here that is deeper than anyone sees.

While so many people are making this about them and creating more drama than necessary, my husband and I are cleaving together to try to weather this storm.

My husband needs compassion and support. What he received was criticism and bible verses. That is a fact that can not be denied nor changed. What the intent was at this point doesn't matter. It was the approach that was painful. It was painful to my husband because he needed compassion and felt rejected. It was painful to me because I saw the strength he worked so hard to obtain, rapidly drain from his body. I saw the pain and the horror on his face. You can try to mend that and clarify your intention, but that doesn't remove the pain or the impression that was left. Those things although not impossible to come back from, are very difficult to fully repair.

The family is upset because I posted my opinion publicly. I was as respectful as I could be considering the circumstances and I did not post anything until my husband had read it and told me to post it. Secrets and lies are what we are trying to overcome. The biggest challenge he has had is to break the silence and stop keeping secrets. I am sorry if you feel disgraced or ashamed. Those are YOUR feelings if you have them. It takes a lot strength for Tim to do what he did. Instead of hating him or feeling betrayed, I chose to love him and support him.

I realize I have had a month to try to come to terms with this while the rest of the family has only had a day. I also understand how hard this is for someone that is so deep in their belief to wrap their head around. None of that changes the fact that this is your son and when he needed you the most, you let him down. All of the arguing and the name calling and the finger pointing isn't going to change what is. Tim can not unsay what he said and he can not go back to lying and pretending to being someone he is not. Nothing will go back to how it was. That doesn't mean that there cannot be love. That doesn't mean that he is not the same person. That doesnt mean that in time, you may not come to accept without judgement.

I don't know how this will turn out for anyone but myself. For me, I know that the unconditional love and support, the lack of judgment and the never wavering loyalty I have given to him will bring to me the love and best friend in the end. I know that even though this is tough, throwing my personal pain into it is NOT going to fix it. I know that in the end for me, regardless of what happens to my marriage, my husband will remain my best friend and I will not lose the love or the bond we have.

The family needs someone to focus their hurt and their pain on. Of course that is me because I posted the blog. That is okay. I was well aware of the fall out before I posted it. I was also well aware of the fact that blaming me is much easier than dealing with the truth. I have been the "blame" for many issues over the last 10 years. Some of it is generated by fear and some of it is generated by the refusal to examine your own actions and behaviors. Its okay. I know who I am and I know my value. I also know that those things are NOT dependent on the opinion nor the approval of others.

What you may not know and may not be ready to accept is that the continued blaming and finger pointing, the continued judgement and the continued criticisms will only drive a bigger wedge into an already damaged family. If you truly love Tim then you need to let go of all of your preconceived notions and love him for who he is. He is still an amazing man. He is still a loving and supportive husband. He is still a fantastic Daddy. He is still the same person he was 2 days ago. The only thing that has changed is your perception.

Perception is reality. Words have power. Emotionally charged situations have the tendency to cause irreparable damage. Think about the words you choose to share with others and think about the perception both the perception you have and the perception you are hoping to create.

This life is too short to burn it up with hatred and resentment. This life is too valuable to be close minded and insecure. Your fear and pain will cause bigger problems if you don't face them than anything I can ever say.

Again, you don't have to like me. You don't have to like what I say. You can blame me for the things you can't find the strength to accept. I am alright with that. What I would like everyone here to think about is this:

What exactly is the relationship you would like to have with Tim? And how do you think your actions are going to achieve that?

I want a loving companionship. My actions are going to carry me in that direction. Are your words and actions taking you the direction you want to go?

Friday, August 22, 2014

We'll Burn in Hell Together!

So much has happened in my world over the last month. There has been so much confusion, heart ache and devastation. Yet there has also been so much compassion, understanding and growth. I know a lot of you have seen my posts on FB that don't seem like me. If you have been my friend either in real life or on FB for any length of time then you know that I generally try to be a positive and upbeat person. I am usually very tolerant and patient. I may joke or come off as someone that tolerates no bull but in reality, I try to be very understanding of the plights of others. No matter how hard I try to be understanding, some things just dont make any sense to me.

I am about to share with you some very personal and some very sensitive information. If you can not handle pure honesty and 100% truth then stop reading this now. If you can not handle the idea that someone's opinion may differ from yours, stop reading now. If you are so set in your mind that your belief is the only belief then STOP READING NOW!

I have forever been an advocate of equality. Racial equality, sexual equality, gender equality, you name it. In my mind you are the person you are, not the title you wear. Who you are on the inside is so much more important that what clothes you wear or what church you go to.

I am fed up to my eyebrows with people who claim to love and be good people only to show themselves as extremely judgmental and controlling.

About a month ago I discovered that my husband of the last seven years (we have been a couple for 10) is gay. He has spent his whole life lying and suppressing who he is because of the controlling and overbearing opinions of his parents. As much devastation that this has brought into my world, as much as this has totally shattered all my hopes and dreams for my future, I have tried my hardest to stand behind him and be supportive. We have had very many emotional outbursts in the last month but the top priority and what we keep coming back to is the well being and what is best for our 3yr old daughter. (Remember the monster that painted my house in lavender hand lotion?) We feel that it is best that she has her Mommy and her Daddy.

This morning my husband finally gathered the nerve to tell our adult children and his parents the truth. This was NOT an easy decision for him and I saw the agony on his face as he delivered the message to each of them. Immediately following the receipt of this message my children responded with all the love and compassion I expected of them. They not only wanted to be sure that their Mom was alright but they wanted their "Dad" to know that this changed nothing and they still love him and support him. Of course they were not happy that their parents are getting divorced, but they were all very supportive of their dad and his choice to finally tell the truth and stand up for who he is.

His children have not responded.

Shortly after sending this message to his parents, on cue and as we expected, his father called him and immediately began to tell him how wrong this is and that he can get help for this. He also began reciting scripture and bible verses and then told my husband how this is killing his mother. With all due respect to my inlaws, All I can say is REALLY?? I mean REALLY??

Your son just stood up and did the hardest thing he has ever had to do in his entire life and you are going to start preaching at him and telling him he is wrong? I think he would know whether or not it was a choice to be gay, after all it is HE who is gay. If you are not gay, and obviously since you are so ANTI gay it is safe to say you aren't, then how in the world would you KNOW if it is a choice or not? You dont! I dont care what you believe or what the bible says. If you believe that and choose to be lead by it that is fine for you. How many times do we have to have the argument that what is good for you is not necessarily good for others? Why in the world can you not accept your son without trying to guilt him into your way of believing? Can you not understand that your controlling and condescending attitude is why we are at this cross road in the first place? Can you not see that had you been more open minded and more accepting of your son in the first place he would not have had to lie and suppress his inner truth and there fore would never have married me and drug myself and my family into this as well?

I am not blaming my in laws for my husband being gay. It is not the 'fault' of anyone. It is not wrong so there is no fault. I am not blaming my inlaws for my life being destroyed or devastated. My husband could have been stronger and went against them sooner. What I am blaming my in laws for is the way they are treating him. Don't tell him you love him but continue to tell him that he is a sinner and that he needs help to see YOUR way of thinking. It is my entire future that has been upended and I am supporting him and standing behind him. Why can't you?

I have adult children. I know what it is like to be disappointed with some of their lifestyles. I don't condemn them or guilt them into doing things my way.

I will never understand for the life of me why it is so hard for people to love their children without judgment. I dont understand how you can not set your own feelings aside for just a moment and put yourself in his place. He just told the people he loves and admires the most something he KNEW they would not like and you reacted exactly the way he was afraid you would. What he needs now is support and understanding NOT condemnation and guilt trips. This is not about YOUR pain. This is not about MY pain. This is about a man who has lived his whole life in lies and deceit because he was afraid of your judgments. This is about a man who has finally broken so completely because he couldnt live with the lies anymore. This is about a man that just stood up and did the most difficult thing he has ever had to do in his entire life and a man who needs love and understanding right now.

I know this has turned into a rant and I apologize but I am still very upset on my husband's behalf. We have a lot of things that we need to sort out. We have decided to divorce. We also are working together to make this an amicable separation and to co parent our daughter so that her life is impacted as little as possible by this. We are trying to come to a place where our friendship can stand strong and outlive the heartache and the loss. This is an extremely emotional time for us and our unit. We will not allow any negativity into it. If you can not be supportive of the changes we are going through and you can not be supportive of the issues that we face then we do not need you to be involved right now.

I have always been the outcast and my soul is prayed for repeatedly because I am not a christian. I am not a bad person. I am not  doing anything immoral or wrong. If praying for me makes you feel better, then by all means pray. I am used to shouldering the blame. I am the inlaw after all. I am sure that it will eventually be decided that I have hexed or possessed my husband and I have caused him not to believe in god, which by the way, he came to me for information I have never tried to influence him and I am sure it will come out somehow to be my fault and I have turned him gay.

First off, I dont care what you believe as long as you dont shove it on me. Secondly, I have never put a spell on my husband for any reason. Thirdly, you can not make someone gay. They either are or they arent. Lastly and most importantly, I dont care if you dislike me or blame me. My husband and best friend needs the all the love and support he can get right now and if Me and MY children are the only ones to give it to him then we are all he needs right now. Not a single soul in my family has judged him. My entire family has been supportive and understanding. Maybe that is the reason he is not going "home". Maybe "home" is what he was running away from.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Collatteral Damage

Being a water baby I do my best thinking in the shower. While in the shower today a thought occurred to me.

"Do we REALLY have any idea what kind of impact we have with our words?"

I just wonder if the strict bible believing parents who preach that it is a sin to be gay and that it is shameful and immoral, really know what impact they have. Or, more importantly how far that impact can reach.

Let's just imagine for a moment if we will that we are teaching our children it is wrong, immoral or inappropriate to be gay. Let's just assume that it worked fine for the first child and that child grew to teach the same things to his/her family. Now let us look at child number 2 or 3. We are teaching all of our children the same lessons. We are teaching them all to have the same values we have. BUT... are we considering the fact that all children are individuals? They each have their own personalities.  Are we considering that maybe child 2 or child 3 could be gay? Of course we aren't. Because being gay is a choice right? Because they could not possibly have been born that way. So we do one of two things, we either refuse to acknowledge and believe they are gay or we chastise them for making a choice that is so wrong and vile. Either way, we are doing detrimental damage to this child.

We raise our children in a world where we tell them they can be anything they want to be. We tell them they can be a doctor or a lawyer. We tell them they can be the next president of the united states. They can be anything they want to be. BUT, They can not be gay. We are teaching our children to live in lies and shame.

When you force a child to live with your values you are refusing to let that child be an individual. You are refusing to let that child bloom into whatever it was they were meant to be. When you are so vocal and so condescending, when you are so judgmental of those that are different from you or what YOU perceive to be good, you are teaching child number 2 or 3 that you will not love them if they are not what you approve of. You are teaching your child to lie and pretend to be some one they are not in order to obtain your love.

As if this is not enough damage, you are damaging the future of this child and all of their relationships. This child was born gay. That is something you are refusing to accept. Because this child knows you will never love them if they are gay, they pretend they are not. Sometimes going through the teen and young adult years alone because they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Sometimes marrying and even having children because that is what "they are supposed to do". Now your morals and values are far reaching. Now you have an in law and grandchildren that are living the lie. Now there is an innocent party that has been pulled into this lie. This "in law" has no idea that child number 2 or 3 is gay because child number 2 or 3 is still lying to him/herself. Now we have children added to that.

When someone is born gay, and they ARE, they can only fight it for so long. Eventually this child, now become adult, gets tired of living the lie. There comes a point where the NEED to be who you are born to be becomes so overwhelming that at this point, it does not matter who gets hurt. This child has been hurting for so many years and has lived their entire life as a lie, that pain overflows and becomes toxic to all that are involved. The "inlaw" we spoke of becomes collateral damage. Child number 2 or 3 never intended to hurt the "in law". All they wanted was to please you, the parent. The in law is now devastated, has lost all hopes and dreams and does not understand why they were pulled into a lie to begin with. Child number 2 or 3 experiences the guilt and pain of having hurt someone who was innocent and only loved them. What about those grandchildren we spoke of earlier?

Those grandchildren are now devastated because mom and dad are splitting up. These children now wonder what they did wrong and why their mom and dad dont love them any more. These children are now a product of a broken home. We wont even go into the struggles of a single parent or what THOSE effects have on children, although all of this was caused by your closed mind and refusal to accept that someone could be not only born gay, but be a good person in spite of it.

How many generations do you have to reach down into before you start to realize that maybe, JUST MAYBE, there is nothing wrong with being gay. MAYBE just because you don't understand it DOESN'T make it wrong. MAYBE you should have been more open minded and loved your children equally and unconditionally. MAYBE, you should have listened to your child instead of your bible.

The bible was written by men. Men have opinions and make mistakes. I am not here to slam anyone that believes in the Christian faith, but to live your life by a book that blatantly contradicts itself in more than one area should make you wonder if it should really be the law of your life.

We as people are free to make our own choices. We are free to choose our faith. We are free to choose our mate. Would you really like it if all of a sudden your choice of a mate or partner were outlawed? What if all of a sudden it was illegal to marry someone of the opposite sex? Would you still be with someone of the opposite sex? I mean after all, laws are made by men. The same type of men that wrote that book. Men that believe that what THEY believe is right and everyone else is wrong.

Think again about how far your impact has reached. You follow a book written by men. Your child is gay and feels unloved their entire childhood. Now you have a grown adult child that is gay and you are struggling to understand how this could have happened. You did everything right. You taught them about brimstone and fire. Why did they do this to YOU?? REALLY?

Why did you do this to them? Why did you do this to their family? Why did you do this to their children?

Why do any of us need to be so close minded that we can not see the pain we are causing to so many? Why can we not just love each other and let them be who they are? Why is any of that an issue or a problem?

My daughter will be raised to know that people are people and that none are superior nor inferior to another. My daughter will be taught to love people for who they are, not for who they love.

How will you raise yours?